Linear Regression

  • Correlation and regression are similar
  • Correlation determines the standardized relationship between X and Y
  • Linear regression = 1 DV and 1 IV, where the relationship is a straight line
  • Linear regression determines how X predicts Y
  • Multiple (linear) regression = 1 DV and 2 + IV (also straight lines)
  • Multiple regression determines how X, Z, and etc, predict Y

Modern Regression Equation

  • \(Y=B_{YX}X + B_0 + e\)
  • \(Y\) = predict value
  • \(B_{YX}\) = slope [also can be written as \(B_{1}\) when we get to MR]
  • \(B_{0}\) = intercept
  • \(e\) = error term (observed - predicted). Also called the residual.

Ice cream example

  • We are going to predict happiness scores from the number of spoons of ice cream.
    • Specify the model with the lm function.
library(car) #graph data
# 100 people
n <- 100
# Uniform distrobution of Ice Cream scoops
X <- runif(n, 0, 10)
# Slope
B0 <- 4
# noise 
e <- rnorm(n, sd=1.5)
# Our equation to  create Y
Y = Byx*X + B0 + e
#Convert them to a "Data.Frame", which is like SPSS data window
#Built our data frame
#Extract vectors
scatterplot(Happiness~IceCream, smoother=FALSE)

Happy.Model.1<-lm(Happiness~IceCream,data = IceCreamStudy)
library(stargazer) # Make APA like tables
          intercept.bottom = FALSE,
          notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Constant 3.895*** (0.301)
IceCream 0.600*** (0.050)
Observations 100
R2 0.595
Adjusted R2 0.591
Residual Std. Error 1.551 (df = 98)
F Statistic 144.046*** (df = 1; 98)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001


  • 3.895 is where the line hit the y-intercept (when happiness = 0).


  • 0.6 is the rise over run
  • for each 0.6 change in ice cream value, there is a corresponding change in happiness!
  • so we can predict happiness from ice cream score:

(0.6 * 5 spoons of ice cream + baseline happiness intercept: 3.895) = 6.895

  • This is your predicted happiness score if you had 5 spoons of ice cream

Error for this prediction?

R will actually do all the prediction for us for each value of ice cream residuals = observed - predicted

  • Red dots = observed above predictor line
  • Blue dots = observed below predictor line
  • the stronger the color, the more an impact that point has in pulling the line in its direction
  • Hollow dots = predicted
  • The gray lines are the distance between observed and predicted values!

What should the mean of the residuals equal?

# Save the predicted values with our real data
IceCreamStudy$predicted <- predict(Happy.Model.1)  
# Save the residual values
IceCreamStudy$residuals <- residuals(Happy.Model.1) 

library(ggplot2)  #Fancy pants plotting system
ggplot(data = IceCreamStudy, aes(x = IceCream, y = Happiness)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "lightgrey") +  # Plot regression slope
  geom_point(aes(color = residuals)) +  # Color mapped here
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red") +  # Colors to use here
  guides(color = FALSE) +
  geom_segment(aes(xend = IceCream, yend = predicted), alpha = .2) +  # alpha to fade lines
  geom_point(aes(y = predicted), shape = 1) +
  theme_bw()  # Add theme for cleaner look

Ordinary least squares (OLS)

  • Linear regression finds the best fit line by trying to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed responses those predicted by the line.
  • OLS computationally simple to get the slope value, but is actually inaccurate.
  • OLS cannot “fail” to find an answer

\[B_{YX}=\frac{\sum{XY}-\frac{1}{n}\sum{X}\sum{Y}}{\sum{x^2}-\frac{1}{n}\sum{x}^2} = \frac{Cov_{XY}}{var_x}\]

  • Mixed-effects models use (ML, REML) to fit. These are more accurate, but can fail (we will return to ML/REML soon).

SE on the terms in the models

  • How good is the fit?
  • Residual Standard error = \(\sqrt\frac{\sum{e^2}}{n-2}\)
  • in R langauge:
RSE = sqrt(sum(IceCreamStudy$residuals^2) / (n-2))
  • So our error on the prediction is 1.5505018 happiness points based on our model.

SE on the Intercept

  • Intercept Standard error = \(RSE\sqrt {\frac{1}{n}+\frac{M_x^2}{(n-1)var_x}}\)
  • in R langauge:
ISE = RSE*(sqrt( (1 / n) + (mean(IceCreamStudy$IceCream))^2 
                  / ((n - 1)*var(IceCreamStudy$IceCream))))
  • our SE on the intecept is 0.3012578

SE on the Slope

  • Intercept Standard error = \(\frac{sd_y}{sd_x}\sqrt{\frac{1 - r_YX^2}{n-2}}\)
  • in R language:
#lets extract the r2 from the model
SSE = sd(IceCreamStudy$Happiness)/sd(IceCreamStudy$IceCream) * 
          sqrt((1- r2.model)/ (n - 2))
  • SE on the slope is 0.0499665

t-tests on slope and intercept and \(r^2\) value

  • Values are tested against 0, so its all one sample t-tests
  • slope: \(t = \frac{B_{YX} - H_0}{SE_{B_{YX}}}\)
  • intercept: \(t = \frac{B_{0} - H_0}{SE_{B_{0}}}\)

\(r^2\) is a little different as its a correlation value

  • correlations are not normally distributed
  • Fisher created a coversion for r to make it a z (called Fishers’ \(r\) to \(Z\))
  • \(r^2\): \(t = \frac{r_{XY}\sqrt{n-2}-H_0}{\sqrt{1-r_{XY}^2}}\) , where \(df = n - 2\)
  • its often given for as an F value, remember \(t = F^2\)
t.I= Happy.Model.1$coefficients[1]/ISE
t.S= Happy.Model.1$coefficients[2]/SSE
# For r-squared
t.r2xy = r2.model^.5*sqrt(n-2)/sqrt(1-r2.model)
F.r2xy = t.r2xy^2
  • Intercept t = 12.929604
  • Slope t = 12.0018969
  • \(R^2\) F-test = 144.0455294
    • Note: We are testing null hypothesis value for slope, i.e., null = 0. But it’s a terrible guess. Everything correlates with everything, so it’s important to keep this in mind moving forward.

Regression in ANOVA format

  • You can also report the results of all the predictors (if you have multiple) in ANOVA style format (F-test we calculated above on \(R^2\))
  • This is useful in multiple regression as it tell your if your overall set of predictors is significant
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: Happiness
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## IceCream   1 346.29  346.29  144.05 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals 98 235.60    2.40                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Multiple Regresion

With No Redundancy

  • Predictors do not correlate with each other
  • Ice cream spoons (X1)
  • Brownies squares (X2)
  • Happiness score (Y)
    • We will assume ice cream and brownies are unqiue predictors of happiness
  • Note: The simulations are based on multivariate functions now so we can control the relationships between the variables very carefully.
  • We will set a mean for each at 5 and create a covariance matrix between the variables

\[ \mathbf{Cov} = \sigma^2\left[\begin{array} {rrr} 1 & 0 & .6 \\ 0 & 1 & .4 \\ .6 & .4 & 1 \end{array}\right] \] where, \(\sigma^2 = 4\)

  • tow column order
    1. Ice cream, 2. Brownines, 3. Happiness
  • Simulation below:
library(MASS) # use multivariate norm function to better control relationships
py1 =.6 #Cor between X1 (ice cream) and happiness
py2 =.4 #Cor between X2 (Brownies) and happiness
p12 = 0 #Cor between X1 (ice cream) and X2 (Brownies)
Means.X1X2Y<- c(5,5,5) #set the means of X and Y variables
CovMatrix.X1X2Y <- matrix(c(1,p12,py1,
                            py1,py2,1),3,3)*4 # creates the covariate matrix 
#build the correlated variables. Note: empirical=TRUE means make the correlation EXACTLY r. 
# if we say empirical=FALSE, the correlation would be normally distributed around r
CorrDataT<-mvrnorm(n=100, mu=Means.X1X2Y,Sigma=CovMatrix.X1X2Y, empirical=TRUE)
#Covert them to a "Data.Frame", which is like SPSS data window
#lets add our labels to the vectors we created
colnames(CorrDataT) <- c("IceCream","Brownies","Happiness")
# Correlations
  • Run model and report results
###############Model 1 
Ice.Model<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream, data = CorrDataT)
###############Model 2
Ice.Brown.Model<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream+Brownies, data = CorrDataT)
         column.labels = c("Model 1", "Model 2"),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE,
          notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Model 1 Model 2
(1) (2)
Constant 2.000*** (0.435) -0.000 (0.517)
IceCream 0.600*** (0.081) 0.600*** (0.070)
Brownies 0.400*** (0.070)
Observations 100 100
R2 0.360 0.520
Adjusted R2 0.353 0.510
Residual Std. Error 1.608 (df = 98) 1.400 (df = 97)
F Statistic 55.125*** (df = 1; 98) 52.542*** (df = 2; 97)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001
#packages we will need to plot our results
#plot individual effects
Ice.Brown.Model.Plot <- allEffects(Ice.Brown.Model, 
                                   xlevels=list(IceCream=seq(0, 10, 1),
                                                Brownies=seq(0, 10, 1)))
     'IceCream', ylab="Happiness")

     'Brownies', ylab="Happiness")

#plot both effects
Ice.Brown.Model.Plot2<-Effect(c("IceCream", "Brownies"), 
                              xlevels=list(IceCream=c(0, 10), 


  • Why did my intercept change?
  • Intercept is the 0 point for ice cream and 0 brownies.
    • See the figure above for the new intercept when both predictors are in the model
  • We can fix the problem by centering our predictors [scale function]
# Center variables (if you said scale = TRUE it would zscore the predictors)
CorrDataT$IceCream.C<-scale(CorrDataT$IceCream, scale=FALSE, center=TRUE)[,]
CorrDataT$Brownies.C<-scale(CorrDataT$Brownies, scale=FALSE, center=TRUE)[,]
###############Model 1 Centered
Ice.Model.C<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream.C, data = CorrDataT)
###############Model C Centered
Ice.Brown.Model.C<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream.C+Brownies.C, data = CorrDataT)
         column.labels = c("Model 1", "Model 2"),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE,
          notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Model 1 Model 2
(1) (2)
Constant 5.000*** (0.161) 5.000*** (0.140)
IceCream.C 0.600*** (0.081) 0.600*** (0.070)
Brownies.C 0.400*** (0.070)
Observations 100 100
R2 0.360 0.520
Adjusted R2 0.353 0.510
Residual Std. Error 1.608 (df = 98) 1.400 (df = 97)
F Statistic 55.125*** (df = 1; 98) 52.542*** (df = 2; 97)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001
  • The table now matches our simulation perfectly

Multiple R

  • We use the capital letter, \(R\), now cause we have multiple X variables
  • \(R_{Y.12} = \sqrt{\frac{r_{Y1}^2 + r_{Y2}^2 - 2r_{Y1} r_{Y2} r_{12}} {1 - r_{12}^2}}\)
  • \(R_{Y.12} =\) 0.7211103
  • if we square that value, 0.52, we get the Multiple \(R^2\)
  • or the total variance explained by these variables on happiness

Estimating population R-squared

  • \(\rho^2\) is estimated by multiple \(R^2\)
  • Problem: in small samples correlations are unstable (and inflated)
  • Also, as we add predictors, \(R^2\) gets inflated
  • So we use an adjusted multiple \(R^2\)
  • Adjusted \(R^2 = 1 - 1- R_Y^2 \frac{n-1}{n-k-1}\)

Partial Redundancy

  • Regressions/correlations with more than 2 variables often presentes a new challenge
    • What if a third variable (X2) actually explains the relationship between X1 and Y?
    • We need to find a way to figure out how X2 might relate to X1 and Y!
  • In short: What happens if the predictors did correlate with each other?
  • New question: How much does ice cream and brownies predict/explain happiness scores given ice cream and bronwies correlate with each other?

\[ \mathbf{Cov} = \sigma^2\left[\begin{array} {rrr} 1 & .3 & .6 \\ .3 & 1 & .4 \\ .6 & .4 & 1 \end{array}\right] \] where, \(\sigma^2 = 4\)

  • Row/column order
    1. Ice cream, 2. Brownines, 3. Happiness
  • Simulation below:
library(MASS) #create data
py1 =.6 #Cor between X1 (ice cream) and happiness
py2 =.4 #Cor between X2 (Brownies) and happiness
p12= .3 #Cor between X1 (ice cream) and X2 (Brownies)
Means.X1X2Y<- c(5,5,5) #set the means of X and Y variables
CovMatrix.X1X2Y <- matrix(c(1,p12,py1,
                            py1,py2,1),3,3)*4 # creates the covariate matrix 
CorrDataT2<-mvrnorm(n=100, mu=Means.X1X2Y,Sigma=CovMatrix.X1X2Y, empirical=TRUE)
#Convert them to a "Data.Frame", which is like SPSS data window
#lets add our labels to the vectors we created
colnames(CorrDataT2) <- c("IceCream","Brownies","Happiness")
# Pearson Correlations

What the problem?

  • Ice Cream can explain happiness, \(r^2 =\) 0.36
  • Brownies can explain happiness, \(r^2 =\) 0.16
  • But how we do know whether Ice Cream and Brownies are explaining the same variance? Brownies and Ice Cream explain each other a little, \(r^2 =\) 0.09

Impacts on regression

  • The slope for Ice cream should be B1 = 0.6
  • The slope for Brownies should be B2 = 0.4
  • but we know from the simulation that Ice cream and Brownies correlate, \(r =\) 0.3
# Center variables (if you said scale = TRUE it would zscore the predictors)
CorrDataT2$IceCream.C<-scale(CorrDataT2$IceCream, scale=FALSE, center=TRUE)[,]
CorrDataT2$Brownies.C<-scale(CorrDataT2$Brownies, scale=FALSE, center=TRUE)[,]
###############Model 1 Centered
Ice.Model.C2<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream.C, data = CorrDataT2)
###############Model C Centered
Ice.Brown.Model.C2<-lm(Happiness~ IceCream.C+Brownies.C, data = CorrDataT2)
         column.labels = c("Model 1", "Model 2"),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE, single.row=TRUE, 
          star.cutoffs=c(.05,.01,.001), notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Model 1 Model 2
(1) (2)
Constant 5.000*** (0.161) 5.000*** (0.155)
IceCream.C 0.600*** (0.081) 0.527*** (0.082)
Brownies.C 0.242** (0.082)
Observations 100 100
R2 0.360 0.413
Adjusted R2 0.353 0.401
Residual Std. Error 1.608 (df = 98) 1.548 (df = 97)
F Statistic 55.125*** (df = 1; 98) 34.150*** (df = 2; 97)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001
  • The slopes do not match the simulation slopes

Semipartial (part) correlation

  • We need to define to contribution of each X variable on Y
  • Semipartial (also called part) is one of two methods, the other is called partial
  • is called semi, cause it removes the effect of one IV relative to the other without removing the relationship to Y
  • Semipartial correlations indicate the “unique” contribution of an independent variable.

Ballantine for X1, X2, and Y

  • \(R_{Y.12}^2 = a + b + c\)
  • \(sr_1^2: a = R_{Y.12}^2 - r_{Y2}^2\)
  • \(sr_2^2:b = R_{Y.12}^2 - r_{Y1}^2\)


  • Calcuate unique varience
R2y.12<-sqrt((ry1^2+ry2^2 - (2*ry1*ry2*r12))/(1-r12^2))^2
  a = R2y.12 -ry2^2 
  b = R2y.12 -ry1^2 
  • in other words,
    • In total we explained, 0.4131868 of the happiness ratings (matches our \(R^2\) values from the regression table above)
    • ice cream uniquely explained, 0.2531868 of happiness ratings
    • brownies uniquely explained, 0.0531868 of happiness ratings
    • We should not solve for c cause it can be negative (in some cases)

Seeing control in action in regression

  • Another way to understand it:
    • What if you want to know about happiness and how ice cream uniquely explains it? [controling the effect of brownies on ice cream]
    • We can remove affect of brownies on ice cream by extracting the residuals lm(X1~X2)
    • Remember the residuals are the left over (after extracting what was explainable)
    • Next we can correlate happiness with the residualized ice cream.
#control for brownies
CorrDataT2$Ice.control.Brownies<-residuals(lm(IceCream~Brownies, CorrDataT2))

If we sqaure the correlation value we got 0.5031767, it becomes 0.2531868 which matches our \(a\) from the analysis above.

  • We can repeat this analysis but changing our control to find \(b\).
#control for ice cream
CorrDataT2$Brownies.control.Ice<-residuals(lm(Brownies~IceCream, CorrDataT2))

If we sqaure the correlation value we got 0.2306227, it becomes 0.0531868 which matches our \(b\) from the analysis above.

  • Thus in regression when we have more than one predictors they are controling for each other!

Relative importance

  • There is a package that will do most of tht work for us
  • The function calc.relimp in relaimpo has lots of paramaters
    • first would be if we entered them one at time
    • last matches are semipartialed results (but order can matter)
 crlm <- calc.relimp(Ice.Brown.Model.C2,
                     type = c("first","last"), rela = FALSE )
## Response variable: Happiness 
## Total response variance: 4 
## Analysis based on 100 observations 
## 2 Regressors: 
## IceCream.C Brownies.C 
## Proportion of variance explained by model: 41.32%
## Metrics are not normalized (rela=FALSE). 
## Relative importance metrics: 
##                  last first
## IceCream.C 0.25318681  0.36
## Brownies.C 0.05318681  0.16

Full Redundancy (Spurious models)

  • when, \(r_{Y2} \approx r_{Y1}r_{12}\)
  • X1 is confounded in X2
  • X1 and X2 are completely redundant

\[ \mathbf{Cov} = \sigma^2\left[\begin{array} {rrr} 1 & .99 & .6 \\ .99 & 1 & .6 \\ .6 & .6 & 1 \end{array}\right] \] where, \(\sigma^2 = 4\)

  • Row/column order
    1. Oreos, 2. Cookies, 3. Happiness
  • Simulation below:
library(MASS) # use multivariate norm function to better control relationships
I.py1 =.6 #Cor between X1 Oreos and happiness
I.py2 =.6 #Cor between X2 Cookies and happiness
I.p12 = .99 #Cor between X1 Oreos and X2 Cookies
I.Means.X1X2Y<- c(0,0,0) #set the means of X and Y variables
I.CovMatrix.X1X2Y <- matrix(c(1,I.p12,I.py1,
                            I.py1,I.py2,1),3,3)*4 # creates the covariate matrix 
IData<-mvrnorm(n=100, mu=I.Means.X1X2Y,Sigma=I.CovMatrix.X1X2Y, empirical=TRUE)
#Covert them to a "Data.Frame", which is like SPSS data window
#lets add our labels to the vectors we created
colnames(IData) <- c("Oreos","Cookies","Happiness")
###############Model 1 
Oreos.model<-lm(Happiness~ Oreos, data = IData)
###############Model 2 
Cookies.model<-lm(Happiness~ Cookies, data = IData)
###############Model 3
Oreos.cookies.model<-lm(Happiness~ Oreos+Cookies, data = IData)
         column.labels = c("Oreos", "Cookies","Oreos+Cookies" ),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE,
          notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Oreos Cookies Oreos+Cookies
(1) (2) (3)
Constant -0.000 (0.161) -0.000 (0.161) -0.000 (0.161)
Oreos 0.600*** (0.081) 0.302 (0.575)
Cookies 0.600*** (0.081) 0.302 (0.575)
Observations 100 100 100
R2 0.360 0.360 0.362
Adjusted R2 0.353 0.353 0.349
Residual Std. Error 1.608 (df = 98) 1.608 (df = 98) 1.614 (df = 97)
F Statistic 55.125*** (df = 1; 98) 55.125*** (df = 1; 98) 27.496*** (df = 2; 97)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001


  • Suppression is a strange case where the IV -> DV relationship is hidden (suppressed) by another variable
  • Tax cuts cause growth, tax cuts cause inflation. Tax cuts alone might look +, but add in inflation and now tax cuts could make cause the growth to look different
  • Or the the suppressor variable can cause a flip in the sign of the relationship
  • Here is an example where the effect was hidden:
sup.py1 =  2.5 #Covar between tax cuts and growth 
sup.py2 = -5.5 #Covar between inflation and growth 
sup.p12 =  4  #Covar between tax cuts and inflation

Supp.X1X2Y<- c(5,5,5) #set the means of X and Y variables
Supp.CovMatrix.X1X2Y <- matrix(c(10,sup.p12,sup.py1,
                                 sup.py1,sup.py2,10),3,3) # creates the covariate matrix 

SuppData<-mvrnorm(n=100, mu=Supp.X1X2Y,Sigma=Supp.CovMatrix.X1X2Y, empirical=TRUE)

#Covert them to a "Data.Frame"
colnames(SuppData) <- c("TaxCuts","inflation","growth")

###############Model 1 
TaxCutsOnly<-(lm(growth~ TaxCuts, data = SuppData))
###############Model 2
Full.Model<-lm(growth~ TaxCuts+inflation, data = SuppData)
         column.labels = c("TaxCutsOnly", "Full.Model"),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE,
          notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
TaxCutsOnly Full.Model
(1) (2)
Constant 3.750*** (0.578) 6.071*** (0.452)
TaxCuts 0.250* (0.098) 0.560*** (0.073)
inflation -0.774*** (0.073)
Observations 100 100
R2 0.063 0.565
Adjusted R2 0.053 0.557
Residual Std. Error 3.077 (df = 98) 2.106 (df = 97)
F Statistic 6.533* (df = 1; 98) 63.116*** (df = 2; 97)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001
  • You will notice tax cuts alone, 0.25, was lower than 0.5595238 controlling for inflation.
  • However, you will notice inflation,-0.7738095, has a bigger effect (and negative) effect than tax cuts 0.5595238
  • So in other words, yes tax cuts work but they don’t override inflation!

Lets try to graph our predictions

  • Challenge is that we need to account for 2 predictors now.
  • So simple scatter plots will not work
  • Also how you plot depends on your theory/experiment/story
  • We need to control for inflation (or view tax slope at different levels of inflation)
  • First lets view the tax slope without controlling for inflation
#plot individual effects
Tax.Model.Plot <- allEffects(TaxCutsOnly, xlevels=list(TaxCuts=seq(3, 7, 1)))
plot(Tax.Model.Plot, 'TaxCuts', ylab="Growth")

  • Now lets view it controlling for inflation
#plot individual effects
Full.Model.Plot <- allEffects(Full.Model, xlevels=list(TaxCuts=seq(3, 7, 1),inflation=seq(3, 7, 1)))
plot(Full.Model.Plot, 'TaxCuts', ylab="Growth")

plot(Full.Model.Plot, 'inflation', ylab="Growth")

#plot both effects
Full.Model.Plot2<-Effect(c("TaxCuts", "inflation"), Full.Model,xlevels=list(TaxCuts=c(3, 7), inflation=c(3,7)))

Multiple Linear Regression Assumptions

  • Multicollinearity: Predictors cannot be fully (or nearly fully) redundant [check the correlations between predictors]

  • Homoscedasticity of residuals to fitted values

  • Normal distribution of residuals

  • Absence of outliers

  • Ratio of cases to predictors

    • Number of cases must exceed the number of predictors
    • Barely acceptable minimum: 5 cases per predictor
    • Preferred minimum: 20-30 cases per predictor
      • This is all subject to a power analysis
  • Linearity of prediction

  • Independence (no auto-correlated errors)

  • Fast and dirty method to check some of the assumptions

    • Its better to just plot your data, but its fun fast check
  • Too see them all go to


Full.Model.Assumptions <- gvlma(Full.Model) 
## Call:
## lm(formula = growth ~ TaxCuts + inflation, data = SuppData)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -4.805 -1.386 -0.138  1.677  4.202 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  6.07143    0.45203  13.431  < 2e-16 ***
## TaxCuts      0.55952    0.07303   7.662 1.39e-11 ***
## inflation   -0.77381    0.07303 -10.596  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2.106 on 97 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5655, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5565 
## F-statistic: 63.12 on 2 and 97 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Level of Significance =  0.05 
## Call:
##  gvlma(x = Full.Model) 
##                     Value p-value                Decision
## Global Stat        2.3081  0.6793 Assumptions acceptable.
## Skewness           0.1939  0.6597 Assumptions acceptable.
## Kurtosis           1.4644  0.2262 Assumptions acceptable.
## Link Function      0.4897  0.4841 Assumptions acceptable.
## Heteroscedasticity 0.1600  0.6891 Assumptions acceptable.


  • Interactions have the same meaning they did in ANOVA
    • there is a synergistic effect between two variables
    • However now we can examine interactions between continuous variables
  • Additive Effects

\[Y = B_1X + B_2Z + B_0\]

  • Interactive Effects:

\[Y = B_1X + B_2Z + B_3XZ + B_0\]

Example of Interaction

  • We need to make multivariate set of variables and then force an interaction
  • DV: Reading comprehension, IVs: Age + IQ
  • These are not all mean centered because of interpretation
# 250 people
n <- 250
# Uniform distrobution of Ages (5 to 15 year olds), but 5 = 0 point
X <- runif(n, 0, 10)
# Centered normal distrobution of IQ (100 +-15) 
Z <- rnorm(n, 0, 15)
e <- rnorm(n, 0, sd=10)
# Our equation to  create Y
Y = .1*X + .25*Z + .1*X*Z + 50 + e
#Built our data frame

Lets test an interaction

  1. Model 1: Examine a main-effects model (X + Z) [not necessary but useful]
  2. Model 2: Examine a main-effects + Interaction model (X + Z + X:Z)
  • Note: You can simply code it as X*Z in r, as it will automatically do (X + Z + X:Z)

          column.labels = c("Main Effects", "Interaction"),
          intercept.bottom = FALSE, single.row=TRUE, 
          star.cutoffs=c(.05,.01,.001), notes.append = FALSE,
Dependent variable:
Main Effects Interaction
(1) (2)
Constant 47.710*** (1.388) 48.288*** (1.312)
Age 0.546* (0.225) 0.440* (0.213)
IQ 0.817*** (0.045) 0.333*** (0.095)
Age:IQ 0.085*** (0.015)
Observations 250 250
R2 0.582 0.630
Adjusted R2 0.578 0.626
Residual Std. Error 10.266 (df = 247) 9.670 (df = 246)
F Statistic 171.653*** (df = 2; 247) 139.732*** (df = 3; 246)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001
  • Also change in \(R^2\) is significant, as we might expect
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ReadingComp ~ Age + IQ
## Model 2: ReadingComp ~ Age * IQ
##   Res.Df   RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
## 1    247 26029                                  
## 2    246 23005  1      3024 32.336 3.665e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

How visualize this?

  • Well, there are some options
  • We can do a fancy-pants surface plot, but that is hard to put into a paper
  • More common this is to examine slope of one factor at different levels of the other (Simple Slopes)
  • What we need to decide is at which levels

Based on the SD

  • We select 3 values: \(M-1SD\), \(M\), \(M+1SD\)
  • Not it does not have to be 1 SD, it can be 1.5,2 or 3
  • Assumes normality for IV
## [1] -13.87   0.74  15.36
Inter.1c<-effect(c("Age*IQ"), Centered.Read.2,
                 xlevels=list(Age=seq(0,10, 1), 
plot(Inter.1c, multiline = TRUE)